The week was spent with family and friends. We were able to catch up with some of the kids buddies from our old street and Calvary. Kaydes was in heaven when her and her best bud Audrey reunited. It was a priceless sight as I watched them embrace for a good 5 minutes just giggling and smiling from ear to ear. I hope this is a friendship we can continue for years to come.
Thanksgiving was so enjoyable this year. Being with my parents and enjoying my mama;s cooking was so nice. We really missed Rick, as he traveled to SOuth Padre Island to get some Gaels wins, only to come home 1-1. Having said that, it was a good trip as some of their goals were accomplished but he was tired and missed his babies. Just as we missed him!
We ended our trip with a night's stay at the Grand Californian and a FULL day at Disneyland. It was the best day at Disney, not crowded at all - so much fun!
We drove home on Monday - I was solo in the drivers seat - and my kiddos couldnt have been better. They were perfect siblings. Didnt complain once and napped and enjoyed the 6 hours together. I could do that drive every weekend if I was guaranteed that behavior. We all know that wouldnt happen but they were THAT good.
Happy Holidays to all...
I hope you all had the opportunity to reflect on the many blessing in your lives. We sure did and I will carry over my greatfulness throughout the year, as I continue to be amazed at how much I have to be thankful for!
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