Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Tiny Tykes Sports Camp

Kayden attended her first week long sports camp this summer and loved it! They played a variety of sports, from soccer to baseball, as well as track and field. The last day was a "water play" day with a camp wide BBQ. I was limited getting pictures of each days activities b/c while I would have loved to stay and watch, JRob found it difficult to understand why HE couldnt join in the fun. As you will see in one of the pictures posted, JRob joined his big sis during the awards ceremony as if he too spent 2 hours each morning, in the blazing hot sun, working on his various sports skills! I am more than enjoying see my kids grow up and enjoy a variety of activities.

Kayden and her buddy Grant from CCYL

One of the only times she actually stood up while waiting in line...Most of the time she sat down.Hmmmm, sounds a little like something her mama used to do when playing sports as a kid!

Pleased with her performance

In position to catch a ground ball

The Girls waiting patiently for their food

Awards time....Sorry JRob!

Digging into the treat bag

My Sporty Spice!

Cutest 2 yr old on the planet! Hands down!

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