Kayden attended her first week long sports camp this summer and loved it! They played a variety of sports, from soccer to baseball, as well as track and field. The last day was a "water play" day with a camp wide BBQ. I was limited getting pictures of each days activities b/c while I would have loved to stay and watch, JRob found it difficult to understand why HE couldnt join in the fun. As you will see in one of the pictures posted, JRob joined his big sis during the awards ceremony as if he too spent 2 hours each morning, in the blazing hot sun, working on his various sports skills! I am more than enjoying see my kids grow up and enjoy a variety of activities.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sweet Love
One of the greatest rewards as a parent is to see the loving relationship between your kids. Just a simple reminder that you must be doing something right!!
Discovery Science Center with Friends
Daddy's Bday
We have had an unbeleiveably BUSY summer but we took time to celebrate our daddy's birthday with a day at the pool. It was SUPER hot here on that beautiful Sunday in July so we headed over early to get a swim in. Brought our lunch and enjoyed it by the pool as well. Then, we all took naps (or at least pretended too...) and then went back to the pool with the whole fam, and my mom brought over a nice spread of ribs and stuff! Hope you had the BEST birthday Daddy!!!!

Vanguards-San Diego Trip
As most of you know, Rick and I have no choice but to immerse our children into our crazy life as coaches. It is something I grew up around, getting dropped off at my dads football practices so my mom could work nights, football games EVERY Friday night or Saturday afternoons, team bbqs at our house with all the players....These are some of my most vivid memories growing up. So much so that I wanted to be the quarterback of the Chicago Bears when I "grew"up. Something my dad wasnt too thrilled about but allowed me to DREAM on...
Anyway, my first team road trip took place and what better time than to bring my little sidekick along with. Kaydes and I headed down a day later than the rest, but in plenty of time nonetheless, to have a fun and laughter filled weekend with the Vanguards. Between playing lots of games, there was time for fun...
The girls opened their rooms to our precious 4 yr old and even made a gigantic fort for her and the girls to play "house" in. So cute!

Water Play with Cousins - July 09
Its been super hot here in the OC so we decided to head to a little water play area in Tustin/Irivne. We met the cousins as well as Non and Gramps there. Thanks to Non and Gramps, they picked up lunch for everyone on the way there. All the kids had fun and the adults, well they stayed cool as well with a few "run throughs"....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Beach Day July 09
The Croy's havent frequented one of our favorite hot spots this summer season due to a busy schedule but the kids and I were happy when a nice Friday opened up and allowed us to venture down. We invited Grampy and Non to come along and it was a PERFECT day...with the exception that daddy couldnt be there with us!

Walnut Creek Vacation - 4th of July Week '09
Walnut Creek Vacation - Summer 2009
As always, our annual trip to Nor Cal proves to be time well spent with our Nor Cal Family. It was a fun filled week but ALWAYS too short!!

(lots of time was spent swimming and staying cool)

Kids putting their pictures/notes for Papa on his gravesite
We werent taking a pic of our feet but rather holding the kids notes as it was windy there!
JRob trying to keep up
The baby gorilla at the zoo...made it on the news that same day we visited
After being given TWO options, the girls discussed intently whether they should take a ride on the train or pick a souvenior at the gift shop...GIFT SHOP it was!
A failed attempt at a pic of Grammie with all the grandkids....Whose kid is that shakin' her booty while we are trying to get a nice photo op????

(a place Rick frequented as an S.F. State student)

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