We have a beautiful, kind, sweet, full of charisma, and loving 1st grader in our house. Kindergarten was hard for me. Emotional in so many ways. A moment in time when the reality of your babies growing older is right in front of you and you cant do nothin' about it! Well, 1st grade was a tad harder and I was blind-sided by it. I should have been prepared...wait, I was prepared. Yet, it was hard... real hard. You see, Kayden is pretty fearless about most things. She faces new and exciting challenges head on. Thats what I love about her. So, the idea of 1st grade was not something she would back down from. A longer day, more recess, more homework, more expectations...more, more, more- Kayden would say "Bring it". Mom on the other hand, says" Slooowwww Down!" This is happening all too fast. Since Kaydes was a baby, she always seemed much older than she really was. Mature in so many ways. Something as a parent, I took pride in. Yet, here is a time in her life where she has a platform to get up and shine, to blossom into that beautiful little girl she has been waiting the last 6 and 1/2 years for.....STOP, I just want to freeze time. My baby is in 1st grade and there aint nothin' I can do about it.
After I picked her up, I secretly was wishing she would tell me it was hard, and too long and she wishes she could go back to Kindergarten. Because if I could freeze time, I think that is right where I would put her. But, instead with that contagious smile of hers and bright bluish green eyes, she said " 1st grade is waaaayyyy better than Kindergarten, Mom!" And skipped off ....Just like it was any 'ole day!